Returning Teams:
Captains, if you registered a team for the 2020 fall or spring season, you have dibs on returning to play on the same night. If you want to switch nights, you have first shot for another night if a spot becomes available. Returning teams must respond (by email) no later than Sunday, March 2 to keep their spot or to have 1st dibs on switching nights before new teams get involved.
New teams:
New teams will be put on a list on a first come basis. They will be giving their night (Monday, Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday) preferences and added as space allows. Register early to save your spot for a better chance to get the night that you would like.
Individual Players:
Want to play but don’t have a team? Fill out the free agent form to enter your name in the free agent pool.
The nitty gritty for everyone:
The organizational meeting will be Thursday, March 20 7:00PM @ Small Batch. If you are an individual this is your time to find a team needing players. If you are a new or a returning team, this is the time to find out the new info on the upcoming fall season.
The fee this year will be $475 per team, with payment due by Friday, March 7. T-shirt sizes will also be due on this date. Games will be on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights, with the potential for other nights/days as registration warrants.
Rosters may consist of 10 to 18 players; teams may register more than 18 players, but team fees will increase by $15 for each additional player. Please consult the kickball rules on coed participation to ensure you have enough girls and guys.
The regular season will begin the week of March 31 and consist of eight regular season games. Game times will be 6:30/6:45, 7:30/7:45, 8:30/8:45 or 9:30/9:45, with games lasting the shorter of seven innings or 55 minutes. Every team makes the playoffs! We expect the season to run through the end of November as weather permits.
Games will once again be held at Parkland Park.